Founded in 2010, HQ in Seoul Korea
CEO : Chamy Ryu
Founded by the Laser/Display & Semiconductor experts.
CEO : Chamy Ryu
Founded by the Laser/Display & Semiconductor experts.
SINCE 2010
Major Business
Representative & Distributor of Worldwide LASERs & related products
in Korea based on experience & Knowledge of LASER & Equipments targeting FPD,
Semiconductor, Solar & Academic researches.
in Korea based on experience & Knowledge of LASER & Equipments targeting FPD,
Semiconductor, Solar & Academic researches.
CEO Message
A World of Light Power
Green processing in Green Era
Green processing in Green Era
The increasing demands on the wide industries for precise processing technologies derive explosive growth of LASER technologies in the cutting edge industries including Welding Patterning Drilling OLED Other FPD & Semiconductors.
In addition, in the medical & communocation industry that require innovative technology has resulted in big growth of the markets.
All the RayVis people assure the powerof light technologies base on the LASER technologies at the forefront of this evolution and we are ready to overcome the new challenges for accomplishing more efficient & more powerful way.
In addition, in the medical & communocation industry that require innovative technology has resulted in big growth of the markets.
All the RayVis people assure the powerof light technologies base on the LASER technologies at the forefront of this evolution and we are ready to overcome the new challenges for accomplishing more efficient & more powerful way.